Thursday, July 21, 2011

TAI: WMATA Rail, Northern Virginia, Rush Hour

As anyone knows who has been to Tysons Corner recently, there is a massive rail construction project underway to bring rail through Tysons and half way to Dulles Airport. Scheduled for completion in 2013, the future-station locations are terribly served today (not that many people want to visit ground zero of such a construction site, of course!). (More below.)

View TAI: WMATA Rush Hour (Example) in a larger map

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This map illustrates the transit accessibility of certain locations in Northern Virginia served by WMATA during rush hour (8:00 AM and 5:00 PM). The four Tysons locations are served by bus today but will be served by rail in 2013. The Crystal City location is served by the Blue and Yellow lines today. The other lines are served by the Orange line.

This map also illustrates the extreme difference in the accessibility of different locations. Rosslyn and Crystal City locations are the most accessible, earning Silver Flags, because traveling to these locations by public transit is just as fast as by private vehicle (and without the downtown parking!). The four Red Triangles at the site of future Tyson rail stations illustrate how inaccessible Tysons is today. The other stops on the Orange line are all relatively accessible by transit.

- Stuart M. Whitaker

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